Understanding ChatGPT API Quota and Pricing(chatgpt api quota)

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Understanding ChatGPT API Quota and Pricing

1. ChatGPT API Basics

The ChatGPT API allows developers to integrate OpenAI’s chat models into their applications. There are different rate limits and pricing options depending on the subscription plan.

  • Free trial users have a limit of 20 requests per minute (RPM) and 40,000 tokens per minute (TPM).
  • Pay-as-you-go users have a limit of 60 RPM and 60,000 TPM for the first 48 hours and 3,500 RPM and 90,000 TPM after 48 hours.

2. ChatGPT API Limits

The ChatGPT API has certain restrictions on usage:

  • Each user has a daily limit on the number of API calls they can make.
  • There are specific conditions that may trigger a prohibition on making API calls.

3. ChatGPT API Pricing

The cost of using the ChatGPT API depends on the subscription plan:

  • The GPT-3.5 Turbo API costs $0.002 per 1,000 tokens.
  • The ChatGPT API costs $0.002 per 1,000 tokens or approximately 750 words.

4. ChatGPT API Quotas and Rate Limits

The API imposes certain quotas and rate limits:

  • The rate limits vary based on the subscription plan and the specific endpoint used.
  • The first 48 hours have higher rate limits (60 RPM and 60,000 TPM for pay-as-you-go users) compared to after 48 hours (3,500 RPM and 90,000 TPM).

chatgpt api quota的常见问答Q&A

关于ChatGPT API的额度和价格有什么限制?

答案:ChatGPT API具有以下限制和价格策略:

  • 免费试用用户的限制是每分钟20个请求(RPM)和每分钟40,000个令牌(TPM)。
  • 按使用付费的用户前48小时限制为每分钟60个请求(RPM)和每分钟60,000个令牌(TPM),48小时后限制为每分钟3,500个请求(RPM)和每分钟90,000个令牌(TPM)。
  • ChatGPT API的价格为每1,000个令牌(约750个单词)收费$0.002。

如何解决ChatGPT API的限制错误?

答案:要解决ChatGPT API的限制错误,请遵循以下步骤:

  • 检查您的使用情况,确保不超过每分钟请求数和令牌数的限制。
  • 如果超过了限制,请减少您的调用频率或优化您的代码以减少令牌使用量。
  • 对于按使用付费的用户,可以考虑升级套餐以获得更高的限制。
  • 查看官方文档或联系OpenAI支持团队以获取更多关于限制错误的帮助。

ChatGPT API的价格相比GPT-3.5有何优势?

答案:与GPT-3.5相比,ChatGPT API有以下价格优势:

  • ChatGPT API每1,000个令牌(约750个单词)的价格为$0.002。
  • 相比之下,GPT-3.5的价格更高。